In the last years we have performed detailed reports of our activity. You can access all our reports and know more about our activity.
2023 Annual Report
We present the final version of the Azorean Biodiversity Group - cE3c Report for the year 2023. Twenty-nine projects ran in 2023, 18 supported by international funds, five by National funds and six by regional funds. These 29 projects (some of them finishing in 2023) brought about 333.148,00 Euros to the research group. In addition, we secured a total of 428.652,69 Euros with Ph.D., Post Doc, and other types of grants in 2023.rnIn 2023, the 20 integrated members GBA/cE3c put out 251 publications. Among these, 67 were published in international recognized journals indexed in the Scopus System. The average Impact Factor of those 67 papers was 3.68 (max = 11.40; Trends in Genetics). Notably, nearly half of these publications (31 out of 67; 46.3%) were classified in the first quartile of SCI publications, indicating high visibility and impact within the scientific community. Our 27 external collaborators contributed, among others, with an additional 19 SCI publications with affiliation to GBA/cE3c.rnThe interaction between researchers and other stakeholders is highly valued the GBA/cE3c, and almost all members of the group were involved in scientific outreach and science communication activities in 2023.
2022 Annual Report
We present the final version of the Azorean Biodiversity Group - cE3c Report for the year 2022. In 2022, the Group published 127 scientific papers, 54 of which in indexed international journals with impact factor. The mean impact factor was 5.213 (max = 63.832; Science) with 26 publications being in the first quartile (49% of publications with impact factor). Eight books, seven book chapters, eight articles in international and national journals without impact factor, five articles in conference proceedings books, 28 scientific dissemination publications, a report and 16 publications of other types (mostly evaluations of the IUCN). In addition to these, our 30 external collaborators also published a total of 19 articles, in impact factor journals with our affiliation.rnThirty-five projects took place in 2022, with 17 receiving international funding, three funding from national FCT funds, ten regional funding from DRCT and five funding from other agencies. These 35 projects (some of them finished in 2022) yielded around 977,159.62 euros in 2022 to the members of the research group. In addition, in 2022 we guarantee a total of 387,790.00 euros with doctoral, post-doctoral and other types of grants.rn
2021 Annual Report
Durante o ano de2021 gostaramos de realar a publicao de 194 trabalhos cientficos, 74 dos quais em revistas internacionais indexadas com Fator de Impacto.OFator de Impacto mdio em 2021em SCI Journals foi de3.57 (max = 8.105; Conservation Letters),37 as publicaes no primeiro quartil(50% das publicaes SCI). Os nossos34 colaboradores externospublicaram ainda um total de26 artigos em revistas com IF com a nossa afiliao.rnQuarenta e quatro projectos decorreram em 2021, 21 receberam financiamento internacional, quatro foram financiados por fundos nacionais da FCT, nove pelos fundos regionais da DRCTD e dez financiados por outras agncias. Estes 44 projectos (alguns deles terminados em 2021) renderam em 2021 cerca de 1.244.588,73 Euros aos membros do grupo de investigao. Alm disso, em 2021 garantimos um total de 347.270,00 Euros com bolsas de doutoramento, ps-doutoramento e outros tipos de bolsas.
2020 Annual Report
In 2020, the main achievements of the 24 integrated members with Ph.D. of ABG-cE3c included 127 publications, 64 of which in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor. The mean Impact Factor in 2020 in SCI Journals was 3.01 (max = 10.96; Nature Ecology Evolution); 33 publications are included in the first quartile (51.5% of the SCI publications). Our 38 external collaborators published an additional 16 SCI publications with our affiliation.rnSisty-three projects run in 2020, 31 received international funding, three were funded by National funds from FCT, fourteen by regional funds from DRCT and fifteen were funded by other Agencies. These 63 projects (some of them finishing in 2020) brought about 1.552.479,31 Euros to the research group members in 2020. In addition, in 2020 we secured a total of 250.396,00 Euros with Ph.D. Post Doc and other types of grants.
Report GBA 2019
In 2019, the main achievements of the 26 integrated members with Ph.D. of ABG-cE3c included 201 publications, 60 of which in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor. The mean Impact Factor in 2019 in SCI Journals was 2.94 (max = 11.7; Biological Reviews); 33 publications are included in the first quartile (55% of the SCI publications). Our 26 external collaborators published an additional 14 SCI publications with our affiliation.rnFifty projects run in 2019, 21 received international funding, six were funded by National funds from FCT, ten by regional funds from DRCT andtwelve were funded by other Agencies. These50 projects (some of them finishing in 2019) brought about 876,032.88 Euros to the research group members in 2019. In addition, in 2019 we secured a total of 364,805.00 Euros with Ph.D. Post Doc and other types of grants.
Report GBA 2018
In 2018, the main achievements of the 29 integrated members with Ph.D. of ABG-cE3c included 241 publications, 51 of which in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor. The mean Impact Factor in 2018 in SCI Journals was 2.61 (max = 7.27; Land Degradation Development); 26 publications are included in the first quartile (53% of the SCI publications). Our 26 external collaborators published an additional 14 SCI publications with our affiliation.rnForty-three projects run in 2018, 20 received international funding, five were funded by National funds from FCT, nine by regional funds from DRCT and nine were funded by other Agencies. These 43 projects (some of them finishing in 2018) brought about 404,078.49 Euros to the research group members in 2018. In addition, in 2018 we secured a total of 350,587.76 Euros with Ph.D. Post Doc and other types of grants.
Report GBA 2017
In 2017, the main achievements of the 24 integrated members with Ph.D. of ABG-cE3c included 158 publications, 57 of which in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor. The mean Impact Factor in 2017 in SCI Journals was 2.83 (max = 11.615; Biological Reviews); 28 publications are included in the first quartile, with a mean Impact Factor of 4.14 (49% of the SCI publications). Our 24 external collaborators published an additional 12 SCI publications with our affiliation.rnThirty-nine projects run in 2017, 10 of which were coordinated by integrated members (see detailed list in 6.1.): 18 received international funding, four were funded by National funds from FCT, eight by regional funds from DRCT and nine were funded by other Agencies. These 39 projects (some of them finishing in 2017) brought about 364,520.00 Euros to the research group members in 2017. In addition, in 2017 we secured a total of 280,720.00 Euros with Ph.D. Post Doc and other types of grants.rnThe Azorean Biodiversity Group is subdivided in two main groups with specific objectives, the Island Biodiversity, Biogeography Conservation - IBBC and the Island Environmental Risks Society - IERS.
Report GBA 2016
In 2016, the main achievements of the 21 integrated members with Ph.D. of ABG-cE3c included 112 publications, 55 of which in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor (49%). The mean Impact Factor in 2016 in SCI Journals was 2.355 (max = 5.84; Global Ecology and Biogeography); 25 publications are included in the first quartile (44% of the SCI publications). Our 20 external collaborators published an additional 21 publications with our affiliation.rnThirty-five projects run in 2016, 16 of which were coordinated by integrated members (see detailed list in the Appendix section): 13 received international funding, five were funded by National frunds from FCT, eight by regional funds from DRCT and nine were funded by other Agencies. These 35 projects (some of them finishing in 2016) brought about 927,000.00 Euros to the research group members. One of the most relevant project in 2016 was the organization of the ISLAND BIOLOGY 2016 congress that brought 400 researchers to the Azores (see more at
Report GBA 2015
In 2015 the Azorean Biodiversity Group was recognized by the University of Azores as a regional Research Centre. At a national level, 2015 marks the official start of Azorean Biodiversity Group as a regional sub-group of the CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY, EVOLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE (cE3c), based in Lisbon and awarded with the Classification of EXCELLENT by FCT in December of 2014. cE3cs main objective is to perform research that addresses societal challenges in ecology, evolution and the environmentthe three Es in the centres name, for the 2015-2020 period covering the EU 2020 Horizon. The Azorean Biodiversity Group is sudivided in two main groups with specific objectives, the Island Biodiversity, Biogeography Conservation IBBC and the Island Environmental Risks Society IERS.rnIn 2015, the main achievements of the 20 integrated members with Ph.D. of ABG-cE3c included 76 publications, 39 of which in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor (51%). The mean Impact Factor in 2015 in SCI Journals was 2,55 (max = 8,04; Global Change Biology); 16 publications follow in the first quartile (41% of the SCI publications). Our 14 external collaborators published an additional 15 publications with our affiliation.
Report GBA 2014
In December 2014 the FCT awarded the Classification of EXCELLENT to the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c), having been the Azorean Biodiversity Group researchers included in this evaluation. Our 19 integrated members with Ph.D., Ph.D. students and collaborators, will be now part of a larger research centre, based in Lisbon, with 101 integrated members in which research questions will be addressed at both the continental and insular scales.rnDuring 2014 our affiliation was still associated with our past FCT research centre CITA-A. Main achievements by integrated members in 2014 included 97 publications, 39 of which in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor (41%). The mean Impact Factor in 2013 in SCI Journals was 2.13, being 14 the publications in the first quartile (36% of the SCI publications).
Report GAB 2013
In the end of 2013 the Azorean Biodiversity Group was invited to be part of another FCT center, the CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY, EVOLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE (Ce3C), based in Lisbon. Ce3Cs main objective is to perform research that addresses societal challenges in ecology, evolution and the environmentthe three Es in the Centres name, for the 2015-2020 period covering the EU 2020 Horizon. Our 19 integrated members with Ph.D., plus Ph.D. students and collaborators will be now part of a large research centre, based in Lisbon, with 101 integrated members in which research questions will be addressed at both the continental and insular scales.The ABG had a steady growth in the number of projects, publications and personnel over these last six years (2008-2013), increasing six integrated members in 2008 to the current 19. In this period 25 senior researchers participated in the ABG ten with an academic position, one with a research contract, and 14 post-doctoral grant holders. In addition, 23 Ph.D. students and 13 research grant holders worked with the senior researchers. The group also worked with 18 International collaborators acting as Associated Research Fellows in several projects and publications.Main achievements by integrated members in 2013 included 44 publications, 25 of which being in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor (57%). The mean Impact Factor in 2013 was 3.0, being the publications in high Impact Factor Journals (IF 3.0) in the area of Environmental Sciences - Ecology, corresponding to. 38% of the ISI publications (a total of 9 papers).Overall 357 publications were published between 2008 and 2013. The Integrated Members of Azorean Biodiversity Group published 131 ISI papers between 2008-2013, with an impact factor of up to 9,737 (PNAS paper). Particularly relevant is the fact that those publications in high Impact Factor Journals (IF 3.0 area Environmental Sciences - Ecology), equate to c. 35% of the ISI publications (a total of 45 papers). In the period 2008-2013, other main achievements included the publication of seven authored Books and nine edited Books, 67 books chapters, 46 outreach publications, 39 papers in peer-reviewed journals with no impact factor, 20 papers in Proceedings of Symposia, seven publications online and an additional 31 other type of publications.In these last six years the Azorean Biodiversity Group was substructured along several main research lines to achieve their integrated goals: i) species distribution and abundance (mainly bryophytes, arthropods and vascular plants) at different scales, performing multi-level evaluation of species extinction risk; ii) cave biodiversity and evolution, namely organisms that inhabit the extensive underground habitats of volcanic islands; iii) invasiveness and invasibility, investigating why some organisms are more prone to become established in the Azores, using ladybirds as model group; iv) ecological processes underlying small agro-ecosystems functioning in the islands in order to explore the use of autochthonous arthropods as natural crop protection and forestry resources; v) taxonomy, distribution, physiology and ecology of Azorean bryophytes; vi) unified theory of island biodiversity under the framework General Dynamic Model of Island Biogeography (GDM); and vii) promote nature conservancy, viii) impacts of environmental risk factors on human health and other island organisms; ix) sustainable development of insular agro-ecosystems and natural ecosystems; x) Integrated Pest Management to control and possibly eradicate the termite pest in island systems; xi) communication and cooperation between the scientific and technological community, decision makers and the general public.
Report GBA 2012
The year of 2012 was an excellent year for the Azorean Biodiversity Group (ABG- CITA-A).rnPublications: A total of 50 publications were published by our integrated members, 31 of which being in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor (60%). This makes more than two publications by integrated member with a Ph.D., and about 1.5 ISI papers per integrated member with a Ph.D. To those 50 publications we can add 22 more with the affiliation of the ABG (CITA-A, University of Azores) published by our Associate Research Fellows. This high productivity is promoting the internationalization of the ABG (CITA-A, University of Azores)) and increasing the visibility of the group. This year will also be remembered by the creation of the Portuguese Platform for Enhancing Ecological Research Sustainability (PEERS), a research partnership between ABG (CITA-A; University of Azores;, the Centre of Environmental Biology (University of Lisbon;, and the Centre of Functional Ecology (University of Coimbra;