The 2015 Report of Azorean Biodiversity Group (cE3c) is already available. In 2015 the Azorean Biodiversity Group was recognized by the University(...)
O livro "AS LIBÉLULAS DOS AÇORES E MADEIRA" de Virgílio Vieira (GBA - cE3c) e Adolfo Cordero-Rivera, será lançado na Biblioteca Pública e(...)
THOMAS MATTHEWS “The Most Productive Young Researcher – Ph.D. Student” Award - 2015 (This prize is awarded every two years to the most(...)
On the 16th and 17th of September, António Onofre Soares (IBBC – Azorean Biodiversity Group), attended the management committee meeting (Chaired by(...)
Promoting partnerships in the European Overseas Will count with the presence of José Manuel N. Azevedo (cE3c: IBBC Group-Island Marine(...)
II iniciativa de Mapeamento de Plantas Invasoras - Grupo da Biodiversidade dos Açores (cE3c) 20 de Outubro de 2015 das 14:00 - 17:00(...)
Paulo A. V. Borges and Simone Fattorini organized in Rome the Symposium ISLAND AT THE CROSSROADS: CONSERVATION DILEMMAS UNDER GLOBAL CHANGES, as part(...)
Patricia Ventura Garcia presented the research developed by the members of the GBA-cE3c in XVII meeting of Environment Studies Network of(...)
Irá realizar-se nos próximos dias 5 e 6 de outubro de 2015, no Auditório Campus de Angra do Heroísmo da Universidade dos Açores e na Sala(...)
Os investigadores do Grupo da Biodiversidade dos Açores (cE3c) Carla Rego e Mário Boieiro estão a liderar a organização do II Encontro sobre(...)
Paulo A. V. Borges, Co-Chair of the IUCN -Mid Atlantic Islands Invertebrate Specialist Group and or collaborator Pedro Cardoso, Chair of the IUCN(...)
The Azorean Biodiversity Group (cE3c) obtained four projects from the FCT 2015 Call, two of which as leading researchers: We are leading:MACDIV(...)
We pressnt the Report of the on the Cryptotermes brevis monitoring in Azores (2010-2014) The detailed report on the impact of drywood termite(...)
One Research Fellowship for Post-Doc researchers is open at the Fundação Gaspar Fructuoso, for the R&D Unit Centre for Ecology, Evolution and(...)
Two Research Fellowship for Post-Doc researchers are open at the Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, F.P. (FFCUL),(...)
The Azorean Biodiversity Group participated with several reserachers in the Project of quantifying the biodiversity of arthropods of Iberian Peninsula(...)
Mid Atlantic Islands Invertebrate Specialist Group Co-Chairs: Vicky Kindemba, Paulo BorgesContact: Vicky Kindemba,,(...)
Theer is a position open for Science Manager in Azorean Biodiversity Group. Deadline to apply 21st August. See more(...)
By proposal of two members from the Navy Academy from Portugal made early in 2014 and after a CV analysis Prof. João Pedro Barreiros was elected by(...)
Nos Açores, onde a grande diversidade de espécies únicas e raras é um dos elementos mais marcantes do património natural, é importante existir(...)