Two new species of spiders for the Azores described by Researchers of Azorean Biodiversity Group

In the course of the research project “Predicting extinctions on islands: a multi-scale assessment” (ref. PTDC/BIA-BEC/100182/2008) in the Azorean(...)

Island Biology Congress - Hawaii 2014

Researchers of the Azorean Biodiversity Group participated in the first Congress of ISLAND BIOLOGY, held in Hawaii in July 2014. About 400(...)

The American subterranean termite found in Caldeira das Lages (Terceira)

The american subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes was detected this week in Caldeira das Lages in Terceira Island. This is the second(...)

AzorLinho - Acredita Portugal

Four researchers from the Azorean Biodiversity Group - CITA-A (Isabel Amorim, Marcia Coelho, Ana Moura Rice and Rosalina Gabriel) reached the finals(...)

Project Azores Wins 2nd place in the National Exhibition of Science VIII

Was held on 29, 30 and 31 May, the Eighth National Exhibition of Science which resulted in 22º Contest for Young Scientists and Researchers. An(...)

Mambers of Azorean Biod Group participate in a competition for business ideas

Mambers of Azorean Biod Group participate in a competition for business ideas

A política de financiamento às universidades está a mudar e cada vez mais é reconhecida a importância da ligação entre o conhecimento criado na(...)

Course for Qualified Experts in Termites (SCIT System)

Candidates to the Course should send their application by the 30th May to the following address:

Article of Azorean Biodiversity Group in the Magazine of Newspaper O Publico

Read this in attachment - International Day of Biodiversity 

João P Barreiros had an accepted Comment in the prestigious Journal Science Online

Barreiros J.P. (2014). Comment on R. Woodroffe et al. Perspective in Ecology “To Fence or Not to Fence” (4 April 2014, Science, 344: 46-48).(...)

Azorean Biodiversity Group researcher is now member of the CESAB Project - ISLANDS

The investigator Paulo A. V. Borges of the Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A) is now one of the investigators associated with the French research(...)

The Azorean Biodiversity Grouo is participating in a new Specialist Group of IUCN for Spiders

The Azorean Biodiversity Group currently participates in the constitution of a future Spider Specialist Group of IUCN. Led by Pedro Cardoso (Natural(...)

New Methods to full comparison of Taxonomic, Phylogenetic and Functional beta diversities

In a recent paper researchers of Azorean Biodiversity Group presented for the first time methods that allow the integration and full comparison of(...)

Is already available the book of the conference

The book of the conference "Science in the Azores - What Future?", held in 2013 in Ponta Delgada, is already available in pdf version. In this book(...)

The domestic mouse came to Madeira four centuries before the Portuguese colonization

A study made by the Higher Council for Scientific Research of Spain (CSIC) suggests that four centuries before the Portuguese colonization Man had(...)

Azorean Biodiversity Group 2013 Report and 2008-2013 Achievements -Updated

We present the report of Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A) for the year 2013 and a detailed report for the period 2008-2013 with main(...)

Long Term Monitoring of the Natural Forests of Azores -Collaboration with Natural Park of Graciosa

The Azorean Biodiversity Group started an unprecedented collaboration with several Azorean environmental organizations to perform a Long Term(...)

Centro de Clima, Meteorologia e Mudanças Globais - Bolsa de Investigação

Resultados do concurso para bolsa de investigação inserida no projecto “Respostas das comunidades fitoplanctónicas do Giro Subtropical do(...)

Azorean Biodiversity Portal was Accepted by FCT for the Research Infrastructure in the Roadmap

The Azorean Biodiversity Portal E-Infrastructure was approved by FCT for the National Research Infrastructure Roadmap. The approval of Azorean(...)

Paper on DORIS_Net FP7 project published by the European Journal of Remote Sensing

A research paper on DORIS_Net project development was published by the European Journal of Remote Sensing by our Post-Doc Artur Gil. Despite(...)

Investigators of Azorean Biodiversity Group participate in a new paper about the spiders of Madeira Island

Investigators of the Azorean Biodiversity Group participated in the publication - Crespo, L.C., Boieiro, M., Cardoso, P., Aguiar, C.A.S., Amorim,(...)