The Azorean Biodiversity Group started an unprecedented collaboration with several Azorean environmental organizations to perform a Long Term(...)
Between the 27th and 31st October, our colleague João Pedro Barreiros attended, as an invited speaker, the XV Latin American Congress of Marine(...)
In a paper published in the prestigious Journal, DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS (IF: 6.122) investigators of the Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A),(...)
From 2 to 9 September 2013, a team of coordinators of the international project "ISLAND-Biodiv" was present on the second meeting of the project in(...)
PRIZES 2013 – AZOREAN BIODIVERSITY GROUP (CITA-A) The Azorean Biodiversity Group initiated last year the “Azorean Biodiversity Group Prizes”(...)
The Azorean Biodiversity Group is participating as co-organizer and presenting talks in the XVI National Conference on Artificial Inteligence that(...)
Termite Cryptotermes brevis, which already occurs in the cities of Angra do Heroismo, Ponta Delgada, Horta and the locations of Calheta do Nesquim and(...)
1) Hortal, J., Borges, P.A.V. & Gaspar, C. (2006-2009). Evaluating the performance of species richness estimators: Sensitivity to sample grain size.(...)
The Azorean Biodiversity Group started a long-term collaboration with the Faial island Natural Park. The aim of this collaboration is the inventory(...)
Presentation of Paulo A. V. Borges in the debate about Science in Azores during in the Meeting "1º Congresso de Ciência e Desenvolvimento Regional(...)
During the fieldwork for the project NetBiome and ISLANDBIODIV were found two specimens of Grammitis azorica. This is a small fetus, endemic of(...)
Peers (Platform for Enhancing Ecological Research & Sustainability) will be presented in Lisbon in the 4th July with three talks: Unificando os(...)
In a recent publication Borges et al. (2013) list thirteen widespread exotic invertebrate species (two Araneae, one Orthoptera, four Hemiptera, four(...)
The presentation of the final results of the Project "Predicting extinctions on islands: a multi-scale assessment" will be held in Angra do Heroísmo(...)
The knowledge society requires all regions to participate in building a more sustainable future, in line with the European strategy for Horizon 2020.(...)
This bee species Chalicodoma pyrenaica (Lepeletier 1841), family Apidae, was first seen in the Azores near the Santa Maria airport in the years 2012(...)
The Azorean Biodiversity Group (CIT-A) is a partner in the organization of the Meeting on Invertebrate Biodiversity and Conservation in Portugal (ECBI(...)
The book "Abordagens do Ambiente em Contexto Educativo" includes five chapters, which are the result of original research developed in the Azores,(...)
Last July the Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A, ABG) launched the page "Chama-lhe Nomes!" on Facebook. This page presents 12 insect species from the(...)
Starts April 3, in the center of Angra do Heroismo, an unprecedented urban intervention in the region. Unique macro photographs of insects will be(...)