In a recent paper researchers of Azorean Biodiversity Group presented for the first time methods that allow the integration and full comparison of(...)
The book of the conference "Science in the Azores - What Future?", held in 2013 in Ponta Delgada, is already available in pdf version. In this book(...)
A study made by the Higher Council for Scientific Research of Spain (CSIC) suggests that four centuries before the Portuguese colonization Man had(...)
We present the report of Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A) for the year 2013 and a detailed report for the period 2008-2013 with main(...)
The Azorean Biodiversity Group started an unprecedented collaboration with several Azorean environmental organizations to perform a Long Term(...)
Resultados do concurso para bolsa de investigação inserida no projecto “Respostas das comunidades fitoplanctónicas do Giro Subtropical do(...)
The Azorean Biodiversity Portal E-Infrastructure was approved by FCT for the National Research Infrastructure Roadmap. The approval of Azorean(...)
A research paper on DORIS_Net project development was published by the European Journal of Remote Sensing by our Post-Doc Artur Gil. Despite(...)
Investigators of the Azorean Biodiversity Group participated in the publication - Crespo, L.C., Boieiro, M., Cardoso, P., Aguiar, C.A.S., Amorim,(...)
The following projects are available after consulting for the period 3rd(...)
Savigniorrhipis topographicus Crespo, 2013, is a new species is described from the Azores by scientists of Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A). This(...)
The first workshop of the international research group, Biodynamic Island Group (BIG) was held in Oxford in October 2013. Two group members of the(...)
The Azorean Biodiversity Group started an unprecedented collaboration with several Azorean environmental organizations to perform a Long Term(...)
Between the 27th and 31st October, our colleague João Pedro Barreiros attended, as an invited speaker, the XV Latin American Congress of Marine(...)
In a paper published in the prestigious Journal, DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS (IF: 6.122) investigators of the Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A),(...)
From 2 to 9 September 2013, a team of coordinators of the international project "ISLAND-Biodiv" was present on the second meeting of the project in(...)
PRIZES 2013 – AZOREAN BIODIVERSITY GROUP (CITA-A) The Azorean Biodiversity Group initiated last year the “Azorean Biodiversity Group Prizes”(...)
The Azorean Biodiversity Group is participating as co-organizer and presenting talks in the XVI National Conference on Artificial Inteligence that(...)
Termite Cryptotermes brevis, which already occurs in the cities of Angra do Heroismo, Ponta Delgada, Horta and the locations of Calheta do Nesquim and(...)
1) Hortal, J., Borges, P.A.V. & Gaspar, C. (2006-2009). Evaluating the performance of species richness estimators: Sensitivity to sample grain size.(...)