10/11/2017. Texto de Marta Daniela Santos. Na fotografia de destaque: equipa do projeto MACDIV em Santo Antão, Cabo Verde. À esquerda: Santo(...)
A Post-Doc Catarina Alexandra Drumonde Melo, do Grupo da Biodiversidade dos Açores - Island Biodiversity, Biogeography & Conservation, encontra-se(...)
Ethics, Science and Society: challenges for BioPolitics is a project of academic research, scientific dissemination, and social and political(...)
Insects have triumphed for hundreds of millions of years in every habitat but the ocean. Their success is unparalleled, which makes their(...)
All spider species endemic to Madeira and Selvagens are now assessed for extinction risk by the IUCN SSC Spider & Scorpion Specialist(...)
All forest adapted beetle species endemic to Azores are now assessed for extinction risk by the IUCN SSC MID-ATLANTIC ISLAND INVERTEBRATES SPECIALIST(...)
Concorra com uma comunicação de 3 minutos sobre qualquer tema de ciência e habilite-se a diversos prémios, ou venha apenas assistir a esta festa(...)
The most recent volume of the annual Journal "Arquipelago - Life and Marine Sciences", Volume 34, had an important contribution from the Azorean(...)
1/09/2017. Interview by Marta Daniela Santos. On the right: Seven-spot Ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata), by Rod Haley. When we think of ladybugs,(...)
28/07/2017. Interview by Marta Daniela Santos. We continue to remember the cE3c members distinguished in the cE3c Annual Meeting 2016; and this(...)
A new species of extinct bullfinch, Pyrrhula crassa n. sp., is described from bones found in a small cave situated at Caldeira, Graciosa Island, on(...)
23/06/2017. Entrevista por Marta Daniela Santos. É com o investigador cE3c Artur Gil, dos grupos de investigação IERS e IBBC, que damos início a(...)
Species abundance distributions (SAD) are central to the description of diversity and have played a major role in the development of theories of(...)
Cargo/posição/bolsa: Bolsa de Investigação (BI) Referência: PTDC/BIABIC/0054/2014 Área científica genérica: Biological sciences Área(...)
Artur Gil, is a Portuguese researcher specialized in Remote Sensing and Environmental Management. He received in(...)
It was news in the newspaper "Correio dos Açores", on the last 18th of May the Monicet project - The whale watching companies and the public at the(...)
The study Natural zonal vegetation of the Azores Islands: characterization and potential distribution (*), led by Rui B. Elias (cE3c/Azorean(...)
7/04/2017. Texto de Marta Daniela Santos. Fotografia de Paulo Borges. Quais devem ser as prioridades na investigação em Biologia de Ilhas? Uma(...)
Four new species of beetles were described by researchers from Azorean Biodiversity Group (cE3c). Recent findings based on molecular data support the(...)
Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso, opens a Postdoctoral Fellowship (BPD), in the research area of Biodiversity – Ecological Modelling to work in the(...)