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Azoreans over Millions of Years - Exhibition of Extreme Macro Photos of Insects in the streets of Angra do Heroismo

Starts April 3, in the center of Angra do Heroismo, an unprecedented urban intervention in the region. Unique macro photographs of insects will be placed in 12 buildings in the main arteries of the city, in order to acquaint the Azorean one unique natural heritage.

This initiative results from a study leaded by Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A, GBA), dedicated to the study of processes of speciation of Azorean endemics. The species photographed are unique and exclusive to the region (endemics.

"Azoreans millions of years ago" resulted from collaboration between experts in evolutionary biology, entomology, social psychology, communication design and extreme macro photography of Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A, GBA) and funding and supported from various partner institutions : FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology [Proj. PTDC/BIA-BEC/104571/2008] Association "The Montanheiros" ART - Regional Tourism Association, Regional Secretary of Natural Resources, Municipality of Angra do Heroismo, Board Autonomous Port of Angra do Heroismo and Parish of St. Peter and yet for all citizens angrenses who accepted the challenge to participate in this initiative.

The photos are by Javier Torrent ( and communication design was led by Ana Moura Arroz in a team that also includes Rita São Marcos, Rosalina Gabriel, Isabel Amorim, Paulo Silva and Paulo A. V. Borges (the Coordinator of the FCT Project).

See more details in the attched file.