External File

2016-2017 IUCN Mid-Atlantic Island Invertebrate SG Report

Attached you will find the 2016-2017 Mid-Atlantic Islands Invertebrate SG Report. This report will be uploaded to the IUCN SSC official web page and will be included in the 2016-2017 Report of the SSC and GSP.

The IUCN SSC MID-ATLANTIC ISLAND INVERTEBRATES SPECIALIST GROUP ( is working to assess the conservation status of  the Mid Atlantic Islands. The group covers currently the following islands: Gough, Tristan, St Helena, Ascension, Cape Verdes, Canaries, Madeira, Azores, and São Tomé and Príncipe. Most of these islands have a high level of invertebrate endemism and numerous species of conservation concern.  The issues facing these islands are similar: habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation, invasive species, climate change; and also limited data and lack of resources or resolve to undertake research and conservation. This also provides a manageable and realistic grouping for the coordinating and administration of a Specialist Group, and so no other islands will be included at this stage.