Stéphanie R.A. Suciu is conducting a Ph.D. in Marine Ecology at the University of the Azores, within the IBBC of CE3C, under the supervision of José Manuel N. Azevedo (University of the Azores) and the co-supervision of Jean-Luc Jung (Université de Brest, France).
She holds a master in molecular and cellular bio-engineering from the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL), Belgium, where her master thesis focused on the physiology (fasting and fat metabolism) of northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris).
For her current Ph.D. “Ecology of cephalopod/cetacean interactions in the Azores”, the goal is to apply existing and custom developed molecular biology tools to the classical fields of oceanic taxonomy and ecology: 1) to increase the knowledge about oceanic cephalopod ecology, by analysis of species occurrence as a function of time, location and oceanographic variables, and with the collection of taxonomically relevant information; 2) to study the diet and feeding behaviour of teuthophagous cetaceans, namely Physeteridae (the sperm whale), Ziphiidae (the beaked whales) and Globicephalinae (pilot whales and Risso’s dolphins), based on cephalopod remains identification and cetacean behaviour data; 3) to assess how the unstable population dynamics of cephalopods impact higher trophic levels of the ocean ecosystem, particularly cetaceans.