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Island Biodiversity, Biogeography & Conservation (IBBC)


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Past Member

Ana Catarina Hasse Ferreira

I received a Ph.D. in Biology from the Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, in 2017 and I am currently working in the Island Biodiversity, Biogeography and Conservation research group (IBBC) of cE3c, in project 2gether - Threatened specialized interactions endemic to a biodiversity hotspot. My research focuses on assessing biodiversity responses to environmental change.

I have been involved in developing frameworks that integrate different types of models and multiple data sources to improve predictions of biodiversity response to environmental change (namely climate change, and land-use change).

My current research is driven by the following objectives: to study plant-animal interactions (pollination and herbivory) in pristine and invaded areas of Macaronesian islands, in order to: 1) identify species playing key roles in ecosystem functioning; 2) assess threatened endemic specialists’ vulnerability; and 3) evaluate the impacts of invasive species.

