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Island Biodiversity, Biogeography & Conservation (IBBC)



H Index of Web of Science: 11

H Index Google: 13

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Past Member

Margarita Patricia Florencio Diaz

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the “Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG)”, Goiania, Brazil. I belong to the Ecology Department, where I am the coordinator and teacher of the discipline of "Exotic Species" during two years (2015 and 2016), in the postgraduate program of “Ecology and Evolution” (Master and PhD). I have also taught the discipline “Bioindicators” (2016), in the graduate course of “Ecology and Environmental Analysis”. I have been awarded with the category A in my current postdoctoral position, which is conceded to those candidates with a record of publications higher than the 75% of the awarded candidates. My project is entitled “Biological invasions in lentic freshwaters under global environmental change”. 
I had a previous 3-year postdoctoral position in the University of Azores (Uac) (Portugal). During this period, I have analyzed the effect of land-use changes and the exotic species on the invertebrate assemblages of oceanic islands, using the Azores archipelago as model. From this work, I have three publications as first author: i) Diversity and Distributions, indicating the contingence of the biotic homogenization behind exotic species introductions; ii) Plos One, highlighting the role of exotic species in constructing new assemblages in human disturbed habitats; iii) Biological Invasions, analyzing the role of land-use and plant fidelity on canopy spiders at local and regional scales. 
During my PhD Thesis (December 2010), I have worked with aquatic invertebrate assemblages of temporary ponds, using biodiversity patterns and spatial scales framed in community ecology and limnology. I have largely worked in field ecology, exploring the invertebrate fauna of more than 100 temporary ponds over two years, designing a sampling procedure for macroinvertebrates and exploring the role of pond environmental and spatial variables in constraining macroinvertebrate assemblages, as well as the temporal dynamics of these systems. I have extended my field studies to the Azores Islands through the designed protocol with my finished MSc student, Lucas Lamelas-Lopez (Uac). 
In total, I have 31 publications in scientific journals and 8 publications in books and book chapters. Twenty-five of these publications are included in ISI index being first author of 12 of these publications. I have supervised two students’ projects obtaining the maximum qualification in their respective graduations (Uac). I have communications in 24 congresses (18 international). I have acquired teacher experience in official MSc and graduation courses (Uac and UFG), and in a technical course about urban insects (Uac). I am accredited as teacher for the ANECA (“ayudante doctor”) and for the postgraduate program in my host institution ( I have acted as invited referee for postdoctoral and research projects (3), as external review for two International Mentions, and as a member of the committees for the evaluation of two different PhD Thesis, and also as substitute member for other one. Finally, I have acted as invited reviewer in 20 ISI journals including e.g., Oecologia, Acta Oecologica, Hydrobiologia, Freshwater Science, Marine and Freshwater Research, Insect Conservation and Diversity, Biodiversity and Conservation, PLOS ONE, Journal of Biogeography, Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, Biological Conservation, Natureza & Conservação, Freshwater Biology, Entomological Science and Oikos.

