Large specimens (> 1,8m TL; disk width > 1,0m) of the stingray Taeniura grabata (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) are apparently resident in shallow sandy bottom waters of a Marina in Praia da Vitória. This represents an interesting possibility of studying eventual residential behaviour while also obtaining photo id of specimens. First dives started the 15th August when 5 large specimens were photographed and filmed by João Bernardo Barreiros in depths of < 1,0m.
Although the area is closed to swimmers and bathers it is nonetheless used and real danger of injury is possible. The monitoring will continue throughout the year and into 2017.
Signs will soon be placed in the site and bilingual (Portuguese/English) panels explainig basic aspects of this species eco-biology will be made available.
Azores Regional Government, Praia da Vitória City Council & Portuguese Navy.
UNESP, SP, Brazil.