Environmental Health in Islands (EHI)

Addressing environmental health in islands requires a holistic approach that considers the unique challenges and opportunities presented by their ecosystems, climate, and socio-economic factors. Sustainable development, effective resource management, and community engagement are key components of ensuring a healthy and resilient environment for island populations. In this sense, and for the next five years, we expect to increase knowledge on the impacts of human activity and of natural disrupting factors on island ecosystems, using the Azores volcanic islands as natural labs. Also, our policy also includes the involvement of communities in decision-making processes, by education and awareness campaigns. Therefore, for the next 5 years we will deepen our studies to:

  1. i) Understand the impacts of environmental risks (natural and anthropogenic) on human health and wellbeing and in other island organisms;
  2. ii) Improve the reliability and accuracy of geographic data on Land Management, Environmental Planning and Climate Change for decision-making and scientific research;

iii) Develop strategic approaches for environmental communication and societal awareness to risks;

  1. iv)  Develop nature-based solutions as a strategy for biodiversity conservation and human well-being in islands;
  2. v) Rise the resilience of ecological and social systems to environmental risks (e.g., pesticides, volcanic emissions) and global change.

The research developed by EHI the SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) UN sustainable development goals and is in line with the RIS3-Açores 2022-2027 lines of action of “Health” and “Environment and Climactic action” agendas.



