All Publications Before 2015
24) Bajraktari, A; Petutschnigg, A; Ymeri, M; Candan, Z; Korkut, S; Nunes, L; Pereira, H (2014) Forest resources and sawmill structure of Kosovo: State of the art and perspectives. Drvna Industrija 65(4): 323-327. |
23) Esteves, B; Nunes, L.; Domingos, I; Pereira, H. (2014) Improvement of termite resistence, dimensional stability and mechanical properties of pine wood by paraffin impregnation. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 72(5): 609-615. |
22) Bauriaud, L; Nichiforel, L; Nunes, L; Pereira, H; Bajraktari, A (2014) A property rights-based analysis of the ilegal logging for fuelwood in Kosovo. Biomass and Bioenergy 67: 425-434. |
21) Borges, P.A.V., Guerreiro, O., Ponte, N.B., Borges, A., Ferreira, F., Ferreira, M.T., Nunes, L., Marcos, R.S., Arroz, A., Scheffrahn, R.H. & Myles, T.G. (2014) Cryptotermes brevis (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in the Azores: Lessons after 2 yr of monitoring in the archipelago. Journal of Insect Science, 14(172): 1-7. |
20) Machado, JS; Lousada, J; Santos, A; Nunes, L; Anjos, O; Rodrigues, J; Simões, R; Pereira, H (2014) Variation of wood density and mechanical properties of blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.). Materials and Design 56: 975-980. |
19) Henriques, DF; Brito J de; Duarte, S.; Nunes, L. (2014) Consolidating preservative-treated wood: Combined mechanical performance of boron and polymeric products in wood degraded by Coniophora puteana. Journal of Cultural Heritage 15(1): 10-17. |
18) Esteves, B; Nunes, L.; Domingos, I; Pereira, H. (2014) Comparison between heat treated sapwood and heartwood from Pinus pinaster. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 72(1): 53-60. |
17) Fortino, S.; Genoese, A.; Genoese, A.; Nunes, L.; Palma, P. (2013) Numerical modelling of the hygro-thermal response of timber bridges during their service life: a monitoring case-study. Construction and Building Materials 47:1225-1234. |
16) Henriques, DF; Nunes, L, Brito J de. (2013) Mechanical evaluation of timber conservation processes by bending tests. Advanced Materials Research 778: 612-619. |
15) Austin, JW; Szalanski, AL; Myles, TG; Borges PAV; Nunes, L; Scheffrahn, RH (2012) First record of Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from Terceira Island (Azores, Portugal). Florida Entomologist 95(1): 196-198. |
14) Esteves, B; Nunes, L.; Pereira, H. (2011) Properties of furfurylated wood (Pinus pinaster). European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 69: 521-525. |
13) Nunes, L; Gaju, M; Krecek, J, Molero, R; Ferreira, MT; Bach de Roca, C. (2010) First records of urban invasive Cryptotermes brevis (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in continental Spain and Portugal. Journal of Applied Entomology 134(8): 637-640. |
12) Henriques, DF; Nunes, L, Brito J de. (2010) Development of a penetration test for timber treatment products for use in old buildings. Construction and Building Materials 24(7): 1095-1100. |
11) Gaspar, F; Cruz, H; Gomes, A; Nunes, L. (2010) Production of glued laminated timber with copper azole treated maritime pine. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 68(2): 207-218. |
10) Nobre, T.; Nunes, L; Bignell, D E. (2009) Survey of subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in a managed silvicultural plantation in Portugal, using a line-intersection method (LIS). Bulletin of Entomological Research 99: 11-21. |
9) Nobre, T.; Nunes, L; Bignell, D E. (2008) Colony interactions in Reticulitermes grassei population assessed by molecular genetic methods. Insect Sociaux 55: 66-73. |
8) Nobre, T.; Nunes, L; Bignell, D E. (2007) Tunnel geometry of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes grassei (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in response to sand bulk density and the presence of food. Insect Science 14: 511-518. |
7) Nobre, T.; Nunes, L; Bignell, D E. (2007) Estimation of foraging territories of Reticulitermes grassei (Clément) through mark-release-recapture. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 123: 119-128. |
6) Savlunchinske-Feio, S; Nunes, L.; Pereira, P. T.; Silva, A M.; Gigante, B.; Roseiro, J. C. and Curto, M. J. M. (2007) Activity of dehydroabietic acid derivatives against wood contaminant fungi. Journal of Microbiological Methods 70(3): 465-470.) |
7) Nobre, T.; Nunes, L; Eggleton, P; Bignell, D E. (2006) Distribution and genetic variation of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in Portugal. Heredity 96(5): 403-409. |
5) Moita, C; Feio, S S; Nunes, L; Curto, M J M; Roseiro, J C. (2005) Optimisation of physical factors on the production of active metabolites by Bacillus subtilis 355 against wood surface contaminant fungi. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 55: 261-269. |
4) Feio, S S; Barbosa, A; Cabrita, M; Nunes, L; Esteves, A; Roseiro, J C; Curto, M J M. (2004) Antifungal activity of Bacillus subtilis 355 against wood surface contaminant fungi. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechology 31: 199-203. |
3) Davies, R G; Eggleton, P; Dibog, L; Lawton, J H; Bignell, D E; Brauman, A; Hartmann, C; Nunes, L; Holt, J A; Rouland, C. (1999) Successional response of a tropical termite assemblage to experimental habitat perturbation. Journal of Applied Ecology 36: 946-963. |
2) Cruz, H; Nunes, L; Machado, J S. (1998) Up-date assessment of portuguese maritime pine. Forest Products Journal 48(1): 60 - 64. |
1) Nunes, L; Bignell, D E; Lo, N; Eggleton, P. (1997) On the respiratory quotient (RQ) of termites (Insecta: Isoptera). Journal of Insect Physiology 43(8): 749-758. |
9) Ferreira, MT; Borges, PAV; Nunes, L; Myles, TG, Guerreiro, O; Scheffrahn, RH (2013) Termites (Isoptera) in the Azores: an overview of the four invasive species currently present in the archipelago. Arquipelago - Life and Marine Sciences 30: 39-55. |
8) Henriques, D F; Nunes, L; de Brito, J (2012) An experimental approach to the treatment and consolidation of degraded timber elements from a XIX century building. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas, Série II, n.º 11: 7-14. |
7) Borges, L.M.S., Valente, A.A., Palma, P. & Nunes, L. (2010) Effect of climate change in the wood boring community in the Tagus Estuary: a case study. Marine Biodiversity Records 3 (e41): 1-7. |
6) Soares, A.; Nobre, T.; Nunes, L.; Quartau, J. A. (2008) Avaliação da actividade de Reticulitermes grassei (Clément) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) à superfície do solo: mata mediterrânea em pré-clímax vs. monocultura de eucalipto. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal. Sup. Nº 14: 177-186. |
5) Nobre, T; Nunes, L. (2007) Non-traditional approaches to subterranean termite control in buildings. Wood Material Science and Engineering 3-4: 147-156. |
4) Santos, A.; Teixeira, A.; Anjos, O.; Simões, R.; Nunes, L.; Machado, J S; Tavares, M. (2007) Utilização potencial do lenho de Acacia melanoxylon – a crescer em povoamentos puros ou mistos com Pinus pinaster - pela indústria florestal portuguesa. Silva Lusitana 15 (1): 57-77. |
3) Jorge, F C; Nunes, L; Botelho, C. (2004) Boron in wood preservation: Problems, challenges and proposed solutions. An overview on recent research. Revista da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (Univ. Fernando Pessoa) nº 1: 3-15. |
2) Nunes, L; Nobre, T; Gigante, B; Silva, A M. (2004) Toxicity of pine resin derivatives to subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 15 (5): 521-528. |
1) Nobre, T ; Nunes, L. (2001) Preliminary assessment of the termite distribution in Portugal. Silva Lusitana 9(2): 217-224. |
5) Cruz, H; Nunes, L. (2012) Madeira. In Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais de Construção. ISTPress, Lisboa. 31pp. |
4) Nunes, L; Nobre, T. (2007) A térmita subterrânea Reticulitermes grassei em Portugal continental e seu potencial impacto nos Açores. In Térmitas dos Açores. Resultados do Workshop "Medidas para gestão e combate das térmitas nos Açores". Coordenação: P A V Borges e T Myles. Princípia, São João do Estoril. pp. 106-111. |
3) Cruz, H; Nunes, L. (2005) Madeira. In Materiais de Construção. Guia de Utilização. Coordenação: M B Gonçalves, F C Margarido e R C Colaço. Loja da Imagem/Arquitectura e Vida / Engenharia e Vida, Lisboa. pp. 76-94. |
2) Bignell, D E; Eglleton, P; Nunes, L; Thomas, K. (1997) Termites as mediators of carbon fluxes in tropical forest: Budgets for carbon dioxide and methane. In Forests and Insects. A. D. Watt, N. E. Stork e M. D. Hunter editores. Chapman & Hall, Londres. pp 109 - 134. |
1) Nunes, L; Sousa, P P. Durability - Preservative treatment. (1995) In Timber Engineering. STEP1. Lecture A15. STEP / EUROFORTECH, Centrum Hout, The Netherlands. 8 pp. |
6) Cruz, H; Nunes, L. (2009) Estruturas de Madeira. Durabilidade e protecção de estruturas de madeira. Construção Magazine 34: 36-38. |
5) Nunes, L; Valente, A A. (2007) Degradação da madeira aplicada na construção: a acção dos fungos. Construção Magazine 20: 64-69. |
4) Nunes, L; Nobre, T. (2006) Presença de térmitas na madeira aplicada na construção. Pedra e Cal 29: 10-12. |
3) Nunes, L; Nobre, T. (2003) Sobre o controlo de térmitas subterrâneas em construções. Construção Magazine 7: 28-32. |
2) Nunes, L; Nobre, T. (2003) Térmitas subterrâneas em Portugal. Portal NATURLINK. |
1) Nunes, L; Cruz, H; Machado, J S. (1991) Patologias e reabilitação de estruturas de madeira. Avaliação da degradação causada por agentes biológicos. O CTIMM nº 1, pp. 11-18. |