

BEST III - Measures towards Sustaining the BEST Preparatory Action to Promote the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in EU Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories

  • Team:
  • Type: EU BEST
  • Category:International Research Project
  • 2014 to 2017


The four year project will develop a platform that shall profile BEST projects and facilitate information sharing on funding availability from a range of different sources. A lot of information will be available on the platform including description of current and BEST projects to come. The platform will serve as a clearing house for local actors and donors. It is envisaged that potential funders might include the European Commission, Member States and other possible partners, such as international financial institutions, NGOs and the private sector.

Crucially, the project will also see the development of required support mechanisms including regional ecosystem profiles and BEST strategies including investment plans. These tools are essential in order to ensure that long term funding for projects for biodiversity in European overseas entities is dedicated to the most pressing conservation challenges and to support priority sustainable development needs and climate change adaptation.

Funding Institution

European Commission, Directorate-General Environment, Directorate B - Nature, Biodiversity and Land Use Unit B2 – Biodiversity. Call for tenders ENV.B.2/SER/2013/0020.



IUCN (project coordinator); Conservation International (CI); Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF); French IUCN Committee; WWF France; UNEP SPAW Regional Activity Center (SPAW RAC); Fundo Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia (FRCT); South Atlantic Environment Research Institute (SAERI); French Antarctic and Sub Antarctic Territories; De Visu; One Agency-Ausy Belgium. 

Team (Additional):

Francisco Wallenstein Macedo and Luísa Madruga.


