XV Iberian Congress of Entomology - Angra do Heroísmo 2-6th September

This next weekend starts the XV Iberian Congress of Entomology in an organization leaded this year by the Azorean Biodiversity Group (CITA-A) in collaboartion with the Portuguese Entomological Society.

About 130 participants from Portugal and Spain will participate in this important event that will present and discuss the last research in the study of insects in Iberia and the Macaronesian archipelagos.

Insetcs are the most diverse group of animals and in Azores dominate in trems of species and endemisms.

The Azorean Biodiversity Group (GBA-CITA-A) is a leading researct center in Azores and Portugal in the study of the diversity and ecology of insetcs.

This Congress that will occur from the 1st to the 6th September in Angra do Heroismo, has the support of the Azorean Government with the Project Refª M3.2.2/I/017/2012, no âmbito da Medida 3.2.2 – “Apoio à organização de reuniões, encontros, seminários, congressos e outros eventos científicos na Região Autónoma dos Açores”, do Eixo 3.2 – “Apoio à Participação e Organização de Reuniões Científicas

Also support this initiative: Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia, a FCT (Fundação da Ciência e Tecnologia), O BES - Açores, O Parque Natural da Ilha Terceira, a Agência de Viagens Teles, ART - Agência Regional de Turismo.