

Health Perception, Travel Concerns, and Senior Tourist Satisfaction

Medeiros, T., Silva, O., Furtado, S., Moniz, A., Vieira, V. & Tomás, L. (2019) Health Perception, Travel Concerns, and Senior Tourist Satisfaction. Proceedings of ICOTTS 2019. Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer, Singapore, 171, 405-414.  

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  • Dec, 2019


Based on a sample of tourists who visited the Azores (n = 697, ages 55 -94), it was intended to understand the concerns about the trip; to analyze health perception in relation to satisfaction with travel and satisfaction with life. A Senior Tourism Questionnaire and the Life Satisfaction Scale were applied. The application of non-parametric tests that: (i) the location of accommodation differs according to sex; (ii) the flight duration, location of accommodation, medical care and mobility conditions vary according to age; (iii) the difficulty with language, cultural differences, medical care, travel prices and mobility conditions change according to the perception of health status; (iv) the destination security, comfortable accommodation, food supply, cultural differences, mobility conditions and hospitality of the residents change according to the satisfaction with life; (v) the satisfaction with the trip varies according to the satisfaction with life and the perception of health status.