We compiled all the available information regarding spider species distribution in the Iberian Peninsula (including the Balearic Islands). At present,(...)
Santos, A.M.C., Whittaker, R.J., Triantis, K.A., Borges, P.A.V., Jones, O.R., Quicke, D. & Hortal, J. (2010). Are species-area relationships from(...)
Abstract: Oceanic islands have been the grand stage of documented extinctions. In view of limited resources, efficient prioritization is crucial to(...)
Cardoso, P., Arnedo, M., Triantis, K.A., Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Drivers of diversity in Macaronesian spiders and the role of species extinctions.(...)
Pedro Cardoso and Luís Crespo from the Azorean Biodiversity Group published recently a paper in whicg six new species of spiders are described for(...)
Herewith we are posting a PDF with some of the main conclusions of all presentations and photos of the conferences held in Terceira during April(...)
Assessment for Portugal Millennium Ecosystem Assessment has received an honorable mention in the BES Biodiversity award. In this project led by Prof.(...)
Gaspar, C., Gaston, K.J. & Borges, P.A.V. (2010). Arthropods as surrogates of diversity at different spatial scales. Biological Conservation, 143:(...)
Following the 2nd Competition on Biodiversity Photography in the Azores, directed to all the schools of the archipelago, a public exhibition of(...)
Research conducted jointly by the Biodiversity Group of the Azores (CITA), University of the Azores, LNEC and the City of Praia da Vitória to detect(...)
There are 800 known species of spiders in Portugal. Of these, only two may cause any kind of medical condition: the Mediterranean black-widow(...)
Given their richness and abundance in all habitat types, one of the greatest challenges in conservation and biogeography of arthropods is to obtain(...)
Soon will be available the Book “Ecossistemas e Bem-Estar Humano: Avaliação para Portugal do Millennium Ecosystem Assessment”, that includes a(...)
The Azorean Biodiversity Group (ABG) is one of the four research groups of the Research Centre CITA-A (“Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias(...)
Borges, P.A.V. (2009). Bern Convention Group of Experts on European Island Biological Diversity: an international network to preserve island(...)
Please find enclosed the first edition of NET-BIOME newsletter, in which there is an article about the Azorean Biodiversity Group. In this editionn(...)
Borges, P.A.V. & Hortal, J. (2009). Time, area and isolation: Factors driving the diversification of Azorean arthropods. Journal of Biogeography 36:(...)
To be Lauched on the 7th December 2009 at University of Azores (Terceira) Borges P.A.V. & Gabriel, R.G. (2009). Predicting extinctions on oceanic(...)
The Ubuntu Committee of Peers for the Regional Centres for Expertise (RCEs) held its fourth meeting on 10 November 2009 in Tokyo, Japan and considered(...)
On the 26th November we presented the report about the infestation levels of termites in Angra do Heroísmo (2009): Guerreiro, O., Borges, A. &(...)