Patricia Ventura Garcia participated in the 18th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET 2016), that took place in Ghent,(...)
Interview by Marta Daniela Santos Robert Whittaker’s interest in ecology emerged early; probably since when he first learned about Darwin’s(...)
Interview by Marta Daniela Santos Paulo Borges (Azorean Biodiversity Group - cE3c) began by studying birds, but nowadays he dedicates himself to(...)
Interview by Marta Daniela Santos. Most people go to the zoo to see the animals. But some people go to the zoo to watch the people see the animals.(...)
During the works of the Project LIFE CWR -Pauis da Praia da Vitória (…), the endemic grasshopper(...)
Interview by Marta Daniela Santos. What happens when a species is introduced in an area outside its geographic range? What are the impacts on the(...)
It is now published the first article of a new series within the BIODIVERSITY DATA JOURNAL - Species Conservation Profiles Subject to continuing(...)
The Book of Abstracts of the Conference ISLAND BIOLOGY 2016 is now available. Gabriel, R., Elias, R.B., Amorim, I.R. & Borges, P.A.V. (Eds)(...)
Herewith we are posting the final version of the program of the ISLAND BIOLOGY 2016 - II International Conference on Island Evolution, Ecology and(...)
ORGANIZATION SPECO - Portuguese Ecological Society & Azorean Biodiversity Group-cE3c. OBJECTIVE Promotion of the aesthetic values of the(...)
Program available soon!
O Grupo da Biodiversidade dos Açores (cE3c) da Universidade dos Açores está a organizar o Congresso Internacional “ISLAND BIOLOGY 2016”, que se(...)
Virgílio Vieira Edited the Book "O Chá dos Açores / The Azorean tea" PREFÁCIO (Prof. Doutor Machado Pires) NOTA INTRODUTÓRIA (Virgílio(...)
Our Associate collaborator Ana Santos led the edition of special issue on island biogeography that has just become availably on Global Ecology and(...)
The activities developed by the NetBiome-CSA project (2013-2016) were presented at the European Parliament on the 6th of April 2016, in a conference(...)
The Azorean Biodivresity Group - cE3c researchers António Onofre, Artur Gil and Isabel Borges have contributed to a paper recently published in the(...)
A Universidade dos Açores publica a listagem dos organismos terrestres e marinhos dos Açores através do GBIF A Universidade dos Açores publicou(...)
Five members of the Azorean Biodiversity Group - IBBC-cE3c research group have contributed to a review paper recently published in the Biological(...)
O Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores (GBA-cE3c) participou no 3º Workshop “Enlarging the European Alien Species Information Network” que teve(...)